Cisco SD-WAN Service Provider Operations (SDWSPO)


Course Overview

Cisco SD-WAN Service Provider Operations v1.0 is a 5-day course which explores Cisco SD-WAN from the unique perspective of Service Provider Operations using advanced networking platforms like the ENCS, to support NFV for rapid scalable deployment operations with express focus on automation and orchestration utilities like MSX and NSO. This course progresses from Day 0 Deployment operations like the creation of templates, deployment of central and local policies and then progresses into the world of rapid deployment at scale using the SDWAN API inside Multi-Tenant environments unique to Multi-Service Providers (MSP).

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

5 days

  • US $ 2,799.—
Classroom Training

5 days

  • Singapore: US $ 2,799.—
  • Australia: US $ 3,495.—


Currently there are no training dates scheduled for this course.